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Sunday, 5 September 2010

About me

I thought since the blog is completely about sexy doctors, I thought a few of you may want to know a bit about the genius behind it all.

Ok so... here goes nothing!

Hey, my name is Aimee but it's actually spelt Amy I just like being awkward lol! I'm 19 and will be 20 in January, I live at home with my parents and older sister. I'm from the UK and that's where I currently live, I live in a small crappy town that nobody has ever heard of unless you actually live here, I won't name it I don't want to offend anybody that is reading this and is from here, not that they would this place if full of chavs! As you can probably tell i babble on more than I should so this would be my point to shut up but I haven't finished yet so sit back down it gets better.

I start at the University of Wolverhampton on September 13th 2010 doing an English Language and Creative Professional Writing course! I got into the whole writing fanfiction shin dig about a year ago and haven't looked back since. My first every fan fiction was about Alice's time before she became a vampire... lets just say considering what I write now it is seriously juvenile in comparison. Since then I have been writing smuttier fan fictions and this is possibly my favorite! If you look on the sidebar on the right you'll see what else I've written so check them out if you can!

So basically that's really me in a nutshell. I'm not that much of an interesting person unless you get to know me well but what I'd like all of you who read Doctor's orders and enjoy it to comment on what you've read but also follow the blog... makes me happy peeps!

Hugs and Kisses


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Doctor's Orders

"Bella Swan is a General Surgeon who is transferred to Lenox Hill Hospital on Park Avenue, New York, having been requested by their Board of Directors. She finds herself in a whole new situation when she realises the people she works with are the most attractive and laid back people she's ever met. Joining a band of notoriously laid back doctors including the likes of Dr. Edward Masen and Dr. Jasper Whitlock, Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons; Dr. Alice Brandon, General Surgeon; and, Dr. Carlisle Hale, Chief of Surgery, Bella soon realises that medicine isn't all that it seems. Finding her way through a corrupt and sexually dangerous environment will she be able to sustain her morals of being a resound surgeon or become one of them? "Just because they don't look stressed doesn't mean they don't do their job properly.""

Sexual Healing

Sexual Healing